Workout of the Day
A1. Back Squat
3×8, Building
A2. Three Point DB Row
3 x 8-12 ea side, pause a beat at the top of each re
Superset between the two movements with your bar partner, resting about 1 min.
BSQ: Suggest starting around 63-68% of recent heavy single and feel it out. You can build in weight across the three working sets. You should have 1-2 reps in the tank on every set today, and it should feel like no more than an RPE (rate of perceived effort) 8/10.
For Time:
100 Double Unders
5 Rounds of:
12 Abmat Sit Ups
12 Goblet Reverse Lunges (24/16/12kg)
100 Double Unders
Scale according to your skill and strength levels today!
Jump Rope Scaling:
A. 50-80 DU’s
B. 200 single unders
Beginner Scale Example:
200 singles unders
4 rounds:
12 sit ups
12 bodyweight lunges
200 single unders
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)