Workout of the Day
4 Rounds for max reps of:
1:00 Bike Calories
1:00 Rest
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 Rest
Bike, jump, Rinse repeat!
Air Bike
intervals should be hard but not all out sprints, you’ll die. Try to push challenging but sustainable numbers on this workout. It should not be pleasant.
Jump Rope
If you can do even 1 double unders, perform as many as you can in the minute. If you have no doubles, you can either make attempts or perform 1 minute single unders with the goal of one unbroken set.
Kipping Pull-Ups
Part 1: EMOM x 8:00 (4 sets):
A: :10-20 Pull-Up Lock Off
B: :30 Hollow Rocks or Hold
Part 2: 5 Sets (about every 2 min):
Choose ONE of the following movements to practice:
A: Top Down Pause Kipping Pull-Ups x 3-5 reps
B: Negatives x 2-3 reps
C: Self (Foot) Assisted Negatives x 2-3 reps
If you have 1-3 mature strict pull ups already, then choose option A to practice kipping mechanics today. If you’re building strength towards pull-ups, then choose option B or C! This is the same progression as week 1.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
Sometimes going to the gym is just chilling with the homies. Caroline, Jen and Jessica take in some sun during quarterfinals