Workout of the Day
Bench Press
Heavy 3 then, 85% AMRAP
In roughly 6 total sets, work up to a heavy 3 on the Bench Press, then take your highest successful 3 rep weight, drop to 85% and perform 1 AMRAP set. The AMRAP should leave you with 0-1 reps in reserve. Try to go heavier on your triple or get more reps in the AMRAP than week 2
Coaching Focus: Back Arch
4 Progressive Sets of:
8-10 Weighted Step-Ups L
8-10 Weighted Step-Ups R
8-16 DB Pull Overs
1:00 Anchored Sit-Up Hold
Work through 4 progressively more challenging sets of the triplet.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)
Proper technique in this exercise REQUIRES smiling.
Free Nutrition Seminar today at 12pm!!
We’re hosting a free nutrition seminar online today at 12pm. Check out yesterday’s blog post or our Events Page for details and the link!
Does Anyone doing the quarterfinals want to come in Friday around 2:00 and do workout 2. We could judge each other’s workout and then enter our scores after Saturday’s workouts.
Let me know.