Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Heavy 3 then, 85% AMRAP
In roughly 6 total sets, work up to a heavy 3 on the Back Squat, then take your highest successful 3 rep weight, drop to 85% and perform 1 AMRAP set. The AMRAP should leave you with 1-2 reps in reserve. Do not go to failure.
Use the first 18:00 to work up to the heavy triple, then the remaining 4:00 to do the AMRAP.
1. 95×3
2. 115×3
3. 135×3
4. 145×3
5. 155×3
6. 160×3
AMRAP 135×8
Coaching Focus: Bar placement during high bar back squats
EMOM 16:00
A: :45 Cal Bike
B: :45 Burpees or Push-Ups
This should be challenging but sustainable. Choose a rep range that will allow you to stay mostly consistent across the whole workout and only sort of make you feel like you’re dying. If you choose push-ups, keep your form consistent. Aim for at least 6-10+++ per round. 20+ is doable for every round if you got it hoss.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Chimene going to war with 24.3
Note from JB about 40,000 sq feet of Prospect Park greenspace planned to be paved over.
The city is underhandedly attempting to push through plans to pave over the central greenspace of Mount Prospect Park for a skateboard facility spanning over 40,000 sq/ft, endangering one of our precious few green areas. This beloved space is cherished by both the community and our furry friends for various activities and is essential for local pollinators.
Please sign the Friends of Mount Prospect Park “Don’t Pave the Park!” petition and share it widely – zipcode not required and minimal email is sent if “news/updates” is selected. The petition is not against skateparks. It simply requests that the project be relocated to nearby paved locations, including several very close to Mount Prospect Park. Additionally, consider sharing stories, photos, or videos of supporting our Mount Prospect Park greenspace with a link to the petition, using hashtags #DontPaveThePark #FriendsOfMountProspectPark #CuRBA
All supporters of greenspaces are encouraged to attend the “Community Engagement” meeting, where skatepark supporters were provided advance notice. The meeting is on March 25th, 6 PM (please arrive at 5:30 PM if possible) at 260 Eastern Parkway – at St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf. Supporting voices are vital in preserving our green space.
For more info, contact JB at or https://www.
Also no worries, you won’t get any SPAM for signing I swear. Just want to add that the situation is next level uncool, especially for residents of Council District 39, which includes Gowanus. They voted in participatory budgeting to allocate limited community funds for building a skate park in their district. However, the city is diverting these funds to a project in a different district (CD35). This means that the community that contributed $300,000 towards a skate park won’t get one, while another neighborhood faces the risk of losing its green space without being consulted. Both Gowanus and the industrial Bergen/Dean areas in Crown Heights are equally deserving of investment, particularly Gowanus, which desires and needs additional tourism. Crown Heights, on the other hand, does not have the same need or desire for increased tourism.
Appreciate the support so much! It’s going to give me extra emotional and mental support before the meeting tonight. xo