Workout of the Day
For Time:
60 Calorie Row
30 Box Jump Overs or Burpees
30 Cal Air Bike
Push each segment here, especially on the bike! If your row will take you longer than 5 minutes, scale the calorie count back (ex. 55 or 50 reps).
Kipping Pull-Ups (mature top position)
Part 1: EMOM x 8:00 (4 sets):
A: :10-20 Pull-Up Lock Off
B: :30 Hollow Rocks or Hold
Part 2: 5 Sets (about every 2 min):
Choose ONE of the following movements to practice:
A: Top Down Pause Kipping Pull-Ups x 3-5 reps
B: Negatives x 2-3 reps
C: Toe Assisted Pull Ups x 3-5 reps
If you have 1-3 mature strict pull ups already, then choose option A to practice kipping mechanics today. If you’re building strength towards pull-ups, then choose option B or C! Make the toe assisted reps tough!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Anna going chest to bar during 24.3 with Coach Brett judging
In case you missed it, here are all the photo sets from each of our three Friday Night Lights events. There are a ton of great shots in there by two talented photographers RJ at Red Shoes Media and Justin at Tamane Photography
24.1 CFSBK X R.A.D
Red Shoes Media Photoset
Tamane Photography
24.2 “Aloha”
Red Shoes Media Photoset
24.3 “David”
Red Shoes Media Photoset