Workout of the Day
For Time:
Run 800 m
Rest 1:1
Run 400 m
Rest 1:1
Run 200 m
Intended Time Domains for the Run
Bike/Row subs can use these timeframes:
Row: 1000m/500m/250m
Bike: 50/40 cals / 35/28 cals / 15/12 cals
3-4 Rounds for Quality
30 sec Hanging L-Sit
10-15 Bent Over Reverse Flyes
10-15 DB Hammer Curls
10-20 Bench Dips
For the Hanging L-sit, you may scale to a tuck hang or single leg tuck hang (15 seconds per side). Work with a slower-down and faster-up tempo on the flyes and hammer curls to stay on tension throughout the motion. With the bench dips, focus on shoulder positioning and not letting the shoulders round forward at the start.