Workout of the Day
Front Squat
3×5, Building
Perform three work sets of 5 reps building across yours sets after 2-3 warm up sets. If you’re doing the Open, go a little lighter today to prevent too much soreness coming into the weekend.
3 Intervals of 2:00:
30 Wall Ball Shots
Max Jump Rope Cross Overs in Remaining time
Rest 2:00
Choose a med ball weight that you can complete each set of reps unbroken. This may mean going lighter! The goal is to work on performing BIG sets and not setting the ball down. If 30 reps is too much, then scale to 25 or 20 – something you can complete each interval.
Will we see the crossover jump rope skill show up in this year’s CrossFit Open?!?! Only time will tell. Either way, practicing this skill hones our coordination, accuracy, agility, and balance — 4 of the 10 general physical skills we’re seeking to train inside the gym!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/3)
Jaime and Vanessa walking those walls
118 CFSBKers Registered
With this many people registered for the Open its important to secure your spot. All three weeks of Friday and Saturday classes are available for registration. Workouts need to be completed and submitted by YOU to the Games site every Monday by 8pm. Below are three options you have to complete the workouts. If you’re in a pinch, let us know!
Every Friday we’ll run several heats of the Open workout in 597. This is a more festive approach to the Open where we light up the space, break out the discoball and encourage folks to come watch. It’s a lot of fun! If you want to participate just RSVP for a heat time on Zen Planner (AVAILABLE NOW ON ZP) FNL is free to CFSBK members and ONLY for people who have officially registered for the CrossFit Open.
Note that your heat start time means that’s when we’ll review the standards and start your workout. All warm-ups will be DIY beforehand. We also ask that after or before you perform your workout you help judge someone from another heat. Volunteer judges from folks watching are also extremely appreciated!! Week 1 is going to have some very special surprises!!!
Spectators are encouraged! Week 1’s FNL will be a kick off party with our friends at RAD, there will be a DJ, Free food and a special guest appearance by a very well known CrossFit Games athlete. DO NOT MISS IT.
We will run the Open workouts Saturdays in group classes through the Open. Sign-up for these classes will work as normal and be available to all CFSBK members. Note that individuals not registered for the Open through CrossFit will do a modified version of the Open workout instead of the official version. Each class will include a warm-up, standards review and then run two heats of the workout so that one person can perform the workout while another judges before switching roles.
Members who would like to perform the workout in Open Gym between Thursday and Monday are allowed to but need to manage getting their own judge. Their judge needs to be someone else registered for the Open or well versed in CrossFit. If your judge is not working out this will not count as a drop in for them.