Workout of the Day
Pause Bench Press
4×10 Across
Perform three work sets, ideally at the same weight. Try to make the first set challenging to hit 10 but keep a rep or two in reserve on each rep. Next week we’ll do 4×8 where you can bump the weight up a bit.
Pause for at least 1 count at the chest. The pause will increase your time under tension and eliminate the stretch reflex which makes pressing out of the bottom of the rep more difficult. Expect that you may need to decrease your weights with the pause and use a spotter for your sets.
12 Rounds for time:
10 (total) Alternating Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
8 Russian Kettlebell Swings
6 Kipping Toes to Bars
Alternate full rounds with your partner until you have both completed 6 rounds. Use a single 50/35/20/10 lb dumbbell for the step-ups that allows you to get through each set without stopping. Hold the dumbbell however you would like, but the steps ups should be performed with always keeping one foot on top of the box.
This has the potential to get grippy, so choose a volume of toes to bar that makes sense. If you are doing the Open this week, you may want to consider a strict variation to make sure you don’t rip your hands open.
Toes to Bar Substitutions:
1. Kipping Knees to Elbows
2. Kipping Partial Range of Motion
3. Strict Hanging Knee Raise
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/3)
Grace finishing Saturday’s workout with encouragement from Daisy, Ashima and Mel!
Training Cycle Through the CrossFit Open
Monday Feb 26- Sunday March 17
This 3 week training cycle written by Coach Avery will take us through the 2024 CrossFit Open! With that in mind, here’s an overview of some of our biases and progressions for the next few weeks.
Pause Bench Pause Progression
We will emphasize cleaning up our bench press form with the use of a pause, as follows:
WK 1: 4×10 across
WK 2: 4×8 across
WK 3: 4×6 across
Squat Progression
Each week there will be an opportunity to squat, building up to a tough set of 5 reps (3×5). We’ll review each variation of squatting (overhead, back, front). Subject to change order depending on the Open workouts. For those not doing the Open this can be a “heavy” strength day.
Floater Day Friday
This cycle will have only one “Floater” strength day, where members will have 3-4 options to incorporate strength work they might otherwise miss on other days of the week or simply adjust as needed if planning to workout the day before doing their Open workout.
Open Workout Saturday
There is still time to sign up for the CFSBK Team!
We will run the Open workouts Saturdays in group classes through the Open. Sign-up for these classes will work as normal and be available to all CFSBK members. Note that individuals not registered for the Open through CrossFit will do a modified version of the Open workout instead of the official version. Each class will include a warm-up, standards review and then run two heats of the workout so that one person can perform the workout while another judges before switching roles.
Monday Pause Bench Press
Tuesday 3×5 Squat
Wednesday Varied, with an emphasis on hinging
Thursday Varied, with an emphasis on vertical pressing
Friday Floater Strength
Saturday Open Workout
Sunday Varied