Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat
This is tomorrow’s rep scheme. Aim to load heavier than the previous exposure (6-5-4-6).
B. Deadlift
Every 2:30 x 5 sets:
6 Touch and Go Deadlifts + 4 Tall Box Jumps (step down)
If you were here for week 1, you might aim to work at around 75% of your heavy triple. That’s a guideline, not a rule. The intent is to move a heavy-ish load for 30 reps, with a focus on bar speed and jumping power. Immediately after the 6th deadlift, move to your box for the jumps. Use a box that allows you to land with the knees and hips either fully or mostly extended. Soft boxes are a great idea here! #savetheshins
C. Push Jerk
Work up to a heavy-ish set of 5 reps, and then back off for two more sets of 10 at lighter weight. Practice efficiently cycling the barbell.
D. Gymnastics
A1. 4 sets x 2 Handstand Kick Up (+hold) OR Wall Walks
A2. 4 sets x 4-8 Strict Knees to Elbows OR Strict Toes To bar
Athlete’s choice here, or mix and match. On the KTE/TTB, work on using the straight-arm-push of the lats to lever your chest and shoulders behind the plane of the bar and elevate the hips.
8 alt Renegade Row
8 alt DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
Rest 2 min
4 Strict Ring Dips
20 KB Swings
Choose one set of DB’s to execute both your renegade rows and lunges, based on whichever movement is more challenging. 8 total alternating reps / 4 ea side.
Choose a KB that will be challenging but achievable for 20 unbroken reps.
Ring Dip Scaling:
A. 2-3 Strict Ring Dips
B. 4 Heel Assisted Ring Dips
C. 4 Matador Dips
D. 4 Parallette or Bench Dips
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/8)
Happening Today: Intro to Strongperson
Join Strongperson competitor Cara Claymore for free intro on how to life heavy and awkward implements! Registration for this event must go through the Phoenix and participants are asked to honor the 48 hours of sobriety associated with the Phoenix.
Click here and search put in 11217 for the zip code to locate this registration for this event.
We’ve got two more spots left! Come and register here: