Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat
B. Deadlift
EMOM X 10 MIN: 2 reps @ 85-90% of Week 1’s Heavy 3.
C. Bench Press
D. Gymnastic Capacity
Option 1 (strength): 5 x 8-12 Banded Strict Pull up
Option 2 (skill/capacity): 7 x 4-8 Kipping CTB or “peak pull” Pull ups
Back Squat: Aim to load heavier than last week (8-6-4-8)
Deadlift: You may touch and go the second rep today. If you were not here for week 1, use a recent heavy triple or double to guide your loading. Otherwise, find something that feels like a 7.5-8/10 RPE and work there!
Gymnastics: Choose one of the options based on your current are of opportunity (strength or skill).
10 Rounds For Time
3 Wall Walks
12 DB Suitcase Box Step Overs
*While Partner A completes 1 round of the work above, Partner B is accumulating calories on the erg. Once A completes the wall walks and step overs, athletes will switch places, and B will complete 1 round of the above work while A rows.
Both athletes are moving throughout the entire effort today. Partners will trade full rounds of the wall walks and step overs until each athlete has completed 5 rounds.
The “non-working” partner will be rowing. This can be approached as active rest for beginner athletes, and a moderate to higher aerobic effort for intermediate and advanced athletes.
There is a 15 minute cap on the workout.
Wall Walk Scaling:
A. Full ROM, 1-2 reps
B. Partial ROM, 2-3 reps
C. 3 x 10 sec angled hollow body inversion hold
D. 30 sec box piked handstand hold
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Sheryl being a straight up G on the DB Bench Press
Open Gym Extended AM Hours! 5am weekdays & 6am weekends!
Effective immediately, members will have access to Open Gym through the right hand door at 608, from 5am on weekdays and from 6am on the weekend. Please email to get an invite to download the app that will allow you access. This will be available on request only.
1. Please always reserve your spot in Open Gym. Front Desk will come by to check you in once they arrive.
2. If you are not coming during off- hours, please check in at the Front Desk before working out.
3. Please turn on all of the lights, the Big Ass fan(green button) and heat if needed. do not adjust the thermostat; just switch to ‘heat’. In summer, please open the roll-up gates for air circulation. Please close these gates if you are the last one to leave. Scissor gates MUST BE locked and secured before closing the roll-up gates.
4. The iPad passcode is 0608.
5. We cannot share the wifi password as the door may not work and the cameras may crash if members are using the wifi- sorry!
6. Please be mindful of your space usage and limit your footprint to one rack/station.
7. Please keep your bags and belongings on the shelves by the bathrooms, not on the gym floor or in the shower rooms.
8. The wall timers are for staff use only- we have stopwatches by the stairs which you can use or you can use your phone/own timer.
9. Please put away all equipment used and clean up your station before you leave! As David says, “This is not a frat house!!!”