Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat
B. Deadlift
Heavy 3, then AMRAP @ 85%
C. Strength Superset:
C1. 3 x 8-12 Dual DB Prone Row
C2. 3 x 8-10 ea side FFE Reverse Lunge (Goblet, Front Rack, or Suitcase)
D. Gymnastic Strength Superset:
D1. 5 x 5-10 Strict Handstand Push Ups (wall facing, wall supported, box piked, box piked from knees, or floor piked)
D2. 5 x 5-10 Strict Toes to Bar (or as high as possible)
For the gymnastic superset, choose a method of HSPU that you can control through full range of motion (head to floor). As a further scaling option, athletes may elect to complete 10 DB Z Presses.
For Time:
100 Push Jerks
*Every minute on the minute, starting at 0:00, athlete completes 6 shuttle run segments (20′). Both feet and one hand must touch the floor behind the 20′ marker on each run.
Partners will alternate working each minute and accumulate 100 reps total between them. The partner finishing the work must tag the partner starting the next minute of effort.
0:00 – Partner A completes 6 shuttle runs, and then completes as many push jerks as possible until 1:00, then tags partner B!
1:00 – Partner B completes 6 shuttle runs + AMRAP push jerks.
Continue alternating 1 minute of work until 100 total reps are complete.
Barbells will come out of the racks. Loading should be moderately heavy, and athletes should be able to perform 10 unbroken reps when fresh.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)

Lots of work this weekend in 597. New ropes, fresh rings, new projector and SO SO much dust gone.
Learn to Handstand walk this Friday at Harper Hour
Competition curious? Looking for something to do on a Friday night? Come join Coach Katie at 608 Degraw for HARPER HOUR! Whether you’re a well seasoned CrossFitter, interested in the idea of taking on your very first competition, or just looking to have a little FUN with friends, YOURE INVITED!
What: A 75 minute competition seminar for the well seasoned and/or aspiring CrossFit competitor! The first portion of the hour will be dedicated to fine tuning skills that may appear on the competition floor (gymnastics, strongman, barbell cycling etc). Strategy will be discussed on how to approach higher level mixed modal pieces, as well as team communication with synchronized movements. We will then execute what has been learned with a partner workout! Beers (or La Croixs) at a local watering hole to follow if you would like to socialize for longer!
Who: All skill levels are welcome. We just ask that you have enough group classes under your belt to ensure you are able to understand the basic CrossFit language with relative ease.
When: Friday Jan 5th, 75 min seminar, from 5pm-6:15pm!
Price: $50 per person
Cap: 10 people