Workout of the Day
SKILL WORK: Double Unders
“Flight Simulator”
For Time:
Unbroken Double-Unders
With a running clock perform 5 unbroken Double-Unders. Stop. Perform 10 unbroken Double-Unders. Stop. Perform 15 Double-Unders, etc. Continue with this pattern, increasing by 5 until the set of 50 unbroken Double-Unders, then back down to 5.
There is a 10 minute cap on this workout.
If you have no double unders yet, use this 10 minutes to make attempts and try to make it happen today. Don’t let yourself get too winded during this 10 minutes, you’ll develop the skill faster not tired.
If you have double unders mixed with singles attempst this flight simulator rep scheme. 1-2-3-4-5-10-20 flight simulator.
Push Press or Jerk
Back Squat
Heavy 3 then, 80% AMRAP
Deadlift or Clean
Bench Press
Heavy 3 then, 80% AMRAP
Choose a lift that corresponds to what you’ve missed this week. If you’ve hit all these lifts you can order off the menu. Feel free to superset this with a DB/KB/BW exercise. Tomorrow we have push jerks, pull-ups, rowing and tuck-ups.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/6)
Welcome new Foundations grads Vincent, Rachel, Ann and Aaron!
Double Under Skill Tutorial
This video goes through some basics about jumping rope as well as some progressions and tips to get or develop your dubs. Knowledge is power!