Workout of the Day
8 Intervals of:
In 1:30 perform
3 Power Clean and Jerks
9 Kipping Pull-Ups
AMRAP Burpees
Rest 1:30
This interval should work out to about :45 to do the barbell work and pull-ups then roughly :45 for burpees.
Power Clean & Jerks
This should be three heavy singles that take you about :20-:30 to complete. If you can touch and go all three reps it’s way too light. Always priortize form but the intention here is strength and power. 185/155/135/95/..
Kipping Pull-Ups
These should be unbroken every round or at most in two quick sets. Adjust volume and difficulty to achieve that.
9/7/5 Reps Kipping
9/6 Strict or Banded
9 Ring Rows
Aim for 8-15 Burpees per interval.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/6)
Hankleton is sad that no one is going to pet him until the WOD is done 🙁
Holiday Schedule this week
Wednesday November 22nd- Thanksgiving Eve
6am CrossFit
7am CrossFit
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am The Phoenix
12pm CrossFit
11am Upside Down Class
1:30pm D&D Cancelled
Open Gym- 6am-1pm
4:30-8:30pm CrossFit classes Cancelled
Thursday November 23rd- Thanksgiving Day
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
Open Gym 8am-12pm
Everything else cancelled
Friday November 24th
6am/7am CrossFit classes cancelled
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am (extra class)
12pm CrossFit
Open Gym 8am-1pm
4:30pm/5:30pm CrossFit classes cancelled