Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
6 progressive sets of 8-12 Reps
Work up through 6 total progressive sets within the 8-12 rep range. Below is an example of what that might look like today. If you hit failure at the 8 rep mark before your 6th set, perform drop sets (less weight) in the remaining sets so you can stay within the rep range. Effort over numbers.
45×12 (empty bar)
65×12 (easy! could do 20+ reps)
75×12 (medium/easy could do 15+ reps)
95×12 (hard to get 12 but could do 12+ reps)
105×10 (hard! no reps in reserve)
110×9 (hard!! no reps in reserve)
115×8 (hard!!! no reps in reserve)
5 Rounds for time of:
8e Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean + Push Press
8 Kipping Toes to Bars
8 Box Jump Overs
This workout should take around 12-15 minutes for most folks. It’s grippy!
One hang power clean (swung between the legs like a kettlebell swing) right into the push press is one rep. The movements should flow right into each other.
Kipping Toes to Bars
8 Partial ROM KT2Bs
4-6 Strict T2Bs
16 Tuck-Ups or Sit-Ups
Box Jump Overs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/6)
Throwback to Akoto and Alex during the 2017 CrossFit Open
6 Week Programming Cycle: Monday 11/5 – Sunday 12/17
This cycle will take us from today up through the holidays. Each day’s bias is detailed below. We got a lot of positive feedback about some of the longer metcons that were programmed into the prior mini cycle so we will continue to hit those longer style workouts in this 6 week cycle as well.
Mondays will have an overhead pressing bias with the press, push press and push jerk being the primary lift on each day. We will cycle through those three lifts in that order twice. Some lifts will be stand alone strength pieces while others will be integrated into some mixed modal conditioning.
Tuesdays will bias Back Squats and follow the progression detailed below. Lifters will work up to a top set of the given rep scheme, then perform one drop set at 80% of their best lift and perform a rep out set.
Wk1: Heavy 5 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk2: Heavy 3 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk3: Heavy 1 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk4: Heavy 5 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk5: Heavy 3 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk6: Heavy 1 then, 80% AMRAP
Wednesday’s will bias hinging lifts (Deadlifts, Snatches and Cleans). Some lifts will be stand alone strength pieces while others will be integrated into some mixed modal conditioning.
Thursdays will bias Bench Press and follow the progression detailed below. Lifters will work up to a top set of the given rep scheme, then perform one drop set at 80% of their best lift and perform a rep out set.
Wk1: Heavy 5 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk2: Heavy 3 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk3: Heavy 1 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk4: Heavy 5 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk5: Heavy 3 then, 80% AMRAP
Wk6: Heavy 1 then, 80% AMRAP
Fridays will continue to be Floater Strength day with lifters able to choose which lift they hit based on the prior week of programming. Floater strength will be followed by or preceded with metcons or assistance work.
Saturdays will not follow a specific theme other than our classic long and hard Saturday workouts.
Fridays will continue to be Floater Strength day with lifters able to choose which lift they hit based on the prior week of programming. Floater strength will be followed by or preceded with metcons or assistance work.