Workout of the Day
Dumbbell Snatch
WTD or Strict Pull-Ups
In 5 Total sets, alternate between both exercises working up to a challenging load on the DB Snatch and pull-up. The Snatch style us up to you, (Power/Muscle/Split Snatch). Use two hands to bring down your heaviest snatches.
Chin-Up Options
Body weight or partner spotted (no bands)
3 Negatives
5 Self Assisted
3 Second Pause Back Squat
E2MOM x 6 Sets
3 Touch & Go Power Cleans
Bench Press
Push Press
Choose one lift and potentially a second DB/KB BW movement for a superset to round out your week. Tomorrow we have Power Cleans, Wall Ball Shots, Sit-up holds and Renegade Rows.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
The men of 10am getting after the Bench, Box Jump Over, Row workout
Going heavy with the Dumbbell Snatch
Typically the DB Snatch is used in metcons at higher volume reps with some standardized loading suggestions (50/35/20). On Fridays we’ve been doing different styles of grunt or non traditional lifting. Use today as an opportunity to think differently about the DB Snatch and treat it like you would a barbell lift. Your heaviest pulls will require a great set up, strong acceleration and overhead stability. Getting good at snatching a heavy Dumbbell will make snatching the same movement for reps feel that much easier.
Choose whichever version of a snatch (power, split or muscle) feels strongest for you.