Workout of the Day
3 Second Pause Back Squat
Work up through a few warm-up then 5 progressive work sets of a 3 second pause squat. The focus today is on your depth, balance and positional integrity at the bottom of the squat. Folks who struggle with depth or position should focus on today feeling like loaded technique work. If you feel great at the bottom, go heavy but dont initiate a rep you’re not sure you’ll stand up from.
3 Rounds for Quality of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
30 Tuck-Ups
Your goal today is to perform these sets unbroken or in as few sets as possible. Use the lack of clock to slow down your transitions and initiate the movement when you feel as ready as you’re going to get. That being said, try to complete each round in 5 minutes or less.
HSPU Options:
+ 10 Deficit Strict
10 Strict
10 Kipping or 1-2 abmats
10 Box Piked
10-15 DB Press
KPU Options:
+ 10 Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups
15-20 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Strict or Banded
20 Ring Rows
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
When you recheck the whiteboard to see how many rounds the workout has
Fight Gone Bad team names so far 🤣
Here are some of the FGB names that have been submitted! Captains you have until end of day to get your team name in! Get those creative and decisive juices flowing!
Barbell Barbies and Kipping Kens
Heavy Metal Lifters
T-Rx Dinosores
I think you should lift
Deadlift Divas