Workout of the Day
1+1/4 Back Squat
Work up to a challenging but submax set of 1+1/4 squats. Only go as heavy as you can maintain good positioning on. These are gonna be rough.
AMRAP 16:00
8 DB or KB Front Squats
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
16 Tuck-Ups
Move with virtuosity and control on all these movements. Aim for 5+ rounds if possible.
FSQ @ ~50s/35s/20s
12/8 Kipping Pull-Ups
6/4 Strict or Banded
12 Jumping or Ring Row
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Here is the tempo and positions your should aim for in today’s Back Squats
Today’s Holiday Schedule
Happy Labor Day ya’ll. We’ll be running the following schedule today:
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
Open Gym 8am-1pm
I do wanted to do that