Workout of the Day
From 0-4:00:
15 Shoulder Presses
500m Row
From 4:00-8:00
15 Shoulder Presses
400m Row
From 8:00-12:00
15 Shoulder Presses
300m Row
From 12:00-16:00
15 Shoulder Presses
200m Row
From 16:00-20:00
15 Shoulder Presses
100m Row
The shoulder presses in this workout should be unbroken and challenging. If you hit a wall within a set, transition to push presses to finish out the reps, do not rack the bar and rest. Ideally the first three rounds are unbroken presses and the latter two become a combo of presses and push presses. Keep the weight consistent unless you over or under shoot. (+/75/65/55/45/-)
Watch your 500m splits on the erg and aim to drop your
3 sets of:
20 Barbell Upright Rows
30 Supine Leg Raises + Hip Lifts
The upright rows should be on the lighter end but still difficult to perform all three sets of 20. Control the tempo on the leg/hip raises to get the most out of it, scale to 20 reps if needed.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Coach Steph and her PT client Liz M!
Personal Training @ CFSBK
Personal Training is individualized training sessions designed to address your specific needs and goals. Your coach will work with you to establish a training program to achieve those goals all while keeping you accountable and making sure your form is perfect. We also offer semi-private and small-group training.
To get started with personal training, please contact us with your availability and goals today! If this is your first time requesting personal training, please do not purchase packages or sessions until your training has been coordinated with a coach. Returning clients can purchase packages and sessions in our online store.