Workout of the Day
A1) Front Squat 4×8 reps @ 20X1
A2) Dumbbell or Kettlebell Alternating Gorilla Rows 3×16-20 reps (8-10 per arm)
It’s the 5th week of this cycles and we are lowering weights from last week and increasing volume. After progressive warm up sets for the front squats, perform four sets of 8 front squats at the same weight. Ideally this is slightly heavier than the weights you used in Week 1. Aim for an RPE of 7-8/10 and leave 1-2 reps in reserve. If you did not track your front squat weights for the past month, today is a great time to start. As a friendly reminder, we will be testing a 3 RM in Week 8, so leave some room to build over the next few weeks.
For Time:
400 m Run
21 Thrusters (115/95/75/55…)
270 m Run
15 Thrusters
130 m Run
9 Thrusters
For this workout, choose a weight that allows you to complete your thrusters in no more than 2 sets on the rounds of 21 and 15. Try not to fall off your pace on the run, though it may be wise to treat the run as “recovery” and push yourself harder than you normally would on the thrusters.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)
Our members are so cool! Here is afternoon staple Adam K utilizing functional fitness to play old school punk rock. Adam recently turned 60 and his legendary South Carolina hardcore band “Bedlam Hour” just did a reunion tour after a 26 year hiatus. Check out the song below and see you in the pit!!!