Workout of the Day
3-5 sets for quality:
8-12 DB or KB Sumo Stance RDLS @ 3111
:30-:45 ea Side Plank Hold
10-12 Seated DB Rear Delt Flyes
10 rounds for time:
12 Weighted Box Step Overs
5-10 Strict Chin Ups
Each person completes 5 rounds, alternating complete rounds. While Partner A is working on step overs and chin ups, Partner B is air biking at a recovery pace.
Options for Strict Chin Ups
5-10 Strict Weighted, Bodyweight, or Banded
10 Supinated Ring Rows
Come back to the gym from 2-5pm and watch the Wet Hot American Throwdown!!!!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/8)
Come cheer on 21 brave CFSBKers who will be taking on the our third annual Wet Hot American Throwdown! This is a 4 event comptition taking place in 597 between 2 and 5pm!!
Hey y’all did anyone pick up a hot pink Swell bottle on Saturday morning? Thanks!