Workout of the Day
Bench Press
3×6-8 reps, across
1 Drop Set x 10-15+ reps to failure
After a progressive warm up on your bench press, aim for three sets across at weight with ~2 reps in reserve. Weights will increase week to week, so this week should feel moderate and give you the opportunity to focus on your technique and positions.
After your final work set, complete a drop set with 10-20% less weight on the bar. The goal is to lift in the 10-15 rep range, but continue until you hit failure. If you hit more than 15 reps, then your drop set was probably too light, which may mean you also have more in the tank for your work sets. Make a note and adjust accordingly for next week.
3-4 Rounds for Quality & Load of:
4-6 ea Half Kneeling Dumbbell Windmills
8-10 Inverted Rows or False Grip Ring Rows
8-12 Tempo Push Ups (31X1)
15-20 Hollow Rocks
If you missed yesterday’s class and want to sub in a dip variation for the push ups go for it. False grip ring rows can be tough on the wrists if you are not conditioned to them. They require pulling with a flexed wrist, so you should plan to start with a reduced volume of reps if you are new to the skill.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Seth working on the bottom of a ring dip position during yesterday’s skill work
Wet Hot American Throwdown Event 2: Sled till you Dead
The WHAT is in its third year and will be held Saturday the 22nd starting at 2pm. This is a FREE event for CFSBKers to throw down in a low stakes competition with their fellow gym pals. Come to participate or spectate!!