Workout of the Day
3-5 Sets of:
65 m Single Arm 90/90 Bottoms Up KB Carry
3-5 Wall Walks
10-12 ea Single Arm DB Upright Row
A. 5 progressive sets of 1 Muscle Clean + 2-3 Press in Split
B. 5 progressive sets of 3-5 Pause Clean Deadlifts (one count pause below the knee)
The clean deadlift is the most basic strength builder for the pull of the clean. It resembles a standard deadlift to a large degree, but the critical difference is that the positions, posture and balance match that of a clean. Your hip position is likely a bit lower than your standard deadlift and you should focus on pushing with your legs to initiate the pull.
Today there is an option for progressive loading, but your ability to maintain your position and stay over the bar (ie shoulders slightly in front of the bar with vertical shins) and pause for one count below the knee will dictate if you should add weight or not.
Use your max clean as a starting point if you know it. Your first set could start around 75-85% of your 1 RM. Also today is a wonderful day to use your Hook Grip!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Coach Dani on her first full night at CFSBK
The Hook Grip
This grip is non-negotiable with the clean and the snatch. It’s a stronger grip that uses less forearm strength, it will increase your elbow turnover speed and help prevent you from bending your elbows too soon. Use it. End of story!
Great job.