Workout of the Day
4+ Sets of:
:30 90 degree Wall Piked Handstand Hold
:30e Single Arm Farmer’s Hold
1:00 Box Step-Ups
The HS hold will be tough for many but focus on fighting through the positions and holding on to as much tension and control as you can.
Farmer’s holds should be heavy keeping a little air between you and the kettlebell
The step-ups may be just body weight if your legs are tired from the last few days as a flush out or weighted if you’ve missed the squats and lunges this week.
8 Rounds for time of:
21/16 Calorie Row
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
9 Alternating DB Snatches
Partners alternate rounds until 4 each/8 total have been completed.
The DB Snatches are total, so alternate which hand you start with each round.
Pull-Up Options
15/8 Kipping
8 Strict/Banded
15 Jumping or Ring Rows
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/9)
June Members of the Month, Linda and Steve Hutsal!
Interview/text by Julie Barnard
June kicks off summer’s fiery weather so it’s only fitting that we join in with some of our own in-house spicy for June’s Member(s) of the Month, that dynamic early morning duo known as The Hutsals! A few standout reasons we chose them are: their ever-smiling support of fellow SBKers, they’re never late to class and always check-in, they’re excellent company to be around, super nice, respectful, hard working, and truly the best folks around. Linda and Steve have made a big impression during their time with us and, since we refuse to let them sneak out of here, it’s our honor to blow things up and announce that in July 2003 they’re moving to Westchester County! It goes without saying that they will be dearly missed but in the meantime, settle back and start snacking as it’s time to learn more about Linda and Steve.
Name (and any nicknames)
L Linda Linda, L$, Dolan (my maiden name), Doles
S Steve, That Sweaty Guy Without A Shirt On
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
L Born and raised in southern New Jersey, just outside Philadelphia.
S I was born and raised in Elmira, NY, but we have called Brooklyn home for the last 18 years,
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
L I started in 2013. I grew up playing sports, mostly soccer and loved being part of a team. In college I moved onto ultimate (aka ultimate frisbee) and continued to play on a women’s club team representing NYC post-college. I loved the sport, but the time commitment and injuries started to add up. I saw the CrossFit games on TV and thought that I’ve always been strong and it might be something I’d enjoy. I searched for CrossFit gyms in the area and CFSBK came up with stellar reviews, so I signed up for Foundations. I became obsessed and think I’ve done just about every specialty program offered – Strength Cycle,Crash-B’s, Olympic Lifting, running, and Diapers and Dumbbells.
S After relentlessly mocking Linda for joining a cult for a year or two I finally took a sip of the sweet Kool-Aid in April 2015. Been a 6am staple ever since.
What are your current fitness goals?
L I had a goal of getting a muscle up. ring or bar, by this summer but it’s gotten a little sidetracked with life. So for now, it’s come to class, move and have fun.
S I’d like to get better at ring muscle ups but as I joke with DO, they only appear semi-annually in the group class workouts and I’ve been lazy about finding open gym time. I’d also like to learn to keep my shirt on during a Metcon but it just keeps eluding me.
What keeps you coming back to CFSBK?
L The people. From the coaches, to the crew, to the members, it is a truly special community. It has been our second home, and a place that has helped us to navigate the hardest moments of our lives. The gym was a place for healing for me and I will be forever grateful for all of the love and support we received. We’ve made friendships here that will last a lifetime, including our beloved 6am family.
S I came for the fitness and stayed for the community.
Program your nightmare workout
L Handstand pushups, snatches, and toes to bar (basically all the gymnastics/overhead movements)
S 5 RFT 50 Double Unders + 10 SHSPU
Program your dream workout
L Heavy Cleans, Wall balls, Rowing and Pull-Ups
S 12:00 AMRAP: 12 cal row, 6 Bar Muscle-Ups 3 Power Cleans at 185#
Favorite and least favorite lift
L Cleans and Snatches
S Power Cleans and Strict Press
If you two had a theme song what would it be?
We’re awful at this and collectively agree to just go with the Super Mario Brothers theme song *Authors Note: This is accurate as a Hutsal theme song
Name one thing on your bucket lis
L Scuba diving in Raja Ampat, Indonesia
S Scuba diving in Raja Ampat, Indonesia while staying on the Arenui – c’mon Linda!
Ask us about that time we…
Listened to hyenas laugh and eat an elephant right outside our bush camp in Africa during a night so dark you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.
What are you recommending right now?
The baguettes and croissants from L’Appartement 4f
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 (or 608) Degraw Street?
L I was staying at home with our 5 and almost 3 year old boys, but recently (last week) returned to work in finance after 5-years away. We also love to travel when time allows, especially when we can go scuba diving or skiing.
S Herding our two small boys and in my rare free time baking pies, sourdough bread, and other pastries.
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
L Scaling is cool! It took me a long time to learn that and no one will judge you except maybe Steve…
S Join in on the banter. Almost all of our friends have come from the gym so just say hi!
Huzzah for the Hutsal’s!! ❤️❤️❤️ Special shout out to Linda for greeting me on my first day at CFSBK after not seeing each other since highschool orchestra practice 🤣. We will miss y’all!