Workout of the Day
EMOM 15:00
Power Snatch
We have been slowly increasing range of motion on this lift over the past several weeks, starting with muscle-snatches, then to hang, below the knee, pause reps and now to the power version from the floor. If you’re still having trouble with the movement or haven’t made it to many of the prior exposures, work with the coach to regress to a simpler variation, like the hang power snatch + OHS.
5 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
12 Kipping Toes to Bars
Rest 1:00
DU: 50/30/15 DU 100 SU
KT2B: 12/8 or 18 Sit-Ups or Tuck-Ups
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/9)
Marissa and Coach Steph get after yesterday’s workout at the noon class.