Workout of the Day
A: Power Clean or Deadlift
1-3 Reps E2MOM x 8 Sets
B: Back Squat
L2 80%x 6 sets x 4 Reps
L1 5 sets x 3 reps Across
C: Shoulder Press or HSPU
5 Sets of 3-8 Reps
Feel free to superset any of these with some Push-Ups, Chin-ups or lunges.
Choose one lift that best rounds out your training week thus far. Tomorrow we have rowing and clean and jerks.
5 Progressive Sets of:
10 WTD Box Step Overs (full extension)
10 DB Bent Over Rows
Alternate exercises at a comfortable pace building in intensity through your sets.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/9)
Floater Strength Dayz
This programming option is unique to CFSBK and a solution we’ve developed to help provide more flexibility and autonomy to members who may not be able to make a particular lift or movement pattern earlier in the week. We’re so grateful that CFSBK members are so thoughtful with their programming decisions and this allows you to have a day that makes sense for your schedule. What do you think about floater strength days?
It would be interesting to have a day where the not strength portion is skill day and it’s to work on a skill all cycle. Maybe for one person it’s bar muscle ups, another it’s double-unders.
It’s a chance to spend a majority of a class once a week trying to improve something that really does take a lot of time. With different people working on whatever that is.