Workout of the Day
If you performed Murph on Monday and your legs are wrecked, we recommend you deadlift 3 work sets of 5 reps at a moderate load today. You’ll have an opportunity on Friday to perform the squat programming or you can skip this week and pick up next week.
Back Squat
85% x 2 Reps x 6 Sets
The weight is up 5% from last week but the reps have been cut in half. Move well and try to have some speed coming out of the bottom.
Back Squat
5 Sets x 3 Reps Across
Perform 3-5 progressive warm-up sets followed by 5 sets of 3 reps at the same weight. Try to go 5-10lbs heavier than last week.
EMOM x 5 Rounds
A: 12-15 Seated DB Presses
B: Floater exercise
C: Rest
Floater Options
A: Bike 1:00
B: Jog 270m
B: 8-12 Weighted Step-Overs
Use the first two rounds of this EMOM to warm-up and the latter three as harder work sets. If you’re recovering from Murph make this feel like an easy and consistent effort.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/9)
Another heat off to the races!!
Memorial Day Murph 2023 Photos
The amazing Aaron W just dropped 300 pictures from Murph this weekend into our Flickr!!! Check them out!!
The Origin of CrossFit gyms doing Murph on Memorial Day
This past weekend was our 16th annual Memorial Day Murph event and is one of CFSBK’s keystone community events. CrossFit gyms and beyond all over the world perform this tradition which happened organically. Check out the short video below for some history!