Workout of the Day
If you did Murph yesterday, perform the following workout as an active recovery day. Keep things conversational and just move. If you did not, push the pace and weight a little harder.
4 Sets of:
60m Single Arm Farmer’s Carry
1:00 Bent Arm Sled Push
5 Rounds for quality of:
1:30 Row or Bike
1:30 15 Sit-Ups + 15 KB Swings + AMRAP Double or Single Unders
Aim for consistency on your row/bike and feel free to switch back and forth as equipment is available.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/9)
Amir during Murph yesterday!
Thank you!!!
Thank you so much to everyone who made our 16th(!) Memorial Day Murph event a success. Special shout to…
- The coaches, front desk staff and grilling crew for making the day come together.
- Everyone who came out to take on this grueling workout for the first or 10th time! It takes guts to attempt this workout and the CFSBK never dissapoints.
- Everyone who brought food, helped clean up, cheered on their fellow CFSBKers and made the day amazing!
- Everyone who donated to K9s for Warriors.