Workout of the Day
For Time:
400m Run
10 Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups
550m Run
20 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
800m Run
30 Kipping Pull-Ups
This will be the last higher volume kipping pull-up workout before murph. With that in mind, DO NOT RIP YOUR HANDS. Make sure your hands are correctly grabbing the bar and consider using hand protection as needed.
Pull-up options:
A: As written
B: Kipping pull-ups all three rounds
C: 1/2 volume strict or banded
D: Ring Rows full volume
Run Options:
A: As written
B: 270/400/550m
C: Bike 2:00/3:00/4:00
5 Rounds for Quality of:
20 Unbroken Tuck-Ups
10e Single Leg RDLs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/9)
Madison, how do you feel about this Row workout?