Workout of the Day
Back Squat
80%x 3 reps x 6 sets
Week 3! We’re up 5% from last week and adding one rep to each set. Try to perform today’s work sets in 90 second intervals as well.
Back Squat
3 sets x 5 reps Across
Perform 4-5 progressive warm-up sets followed by three sets of 5 reps at the same weight. Try to go 5-10lbs heavier than last week.
4 Intervals for reps and load of:
In 1:30
12 (total) Renegade Rows
12 (total) Reverse Lunges
AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 1:30
Try to go heavier on the Renegade Rows and Lunges, you could use the same weight for both. 50/35/20 Move through the couplet at a steady pace, dont rush through and lose control to get to the double unders faster.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/9)
Alena and Nicole with great front rack positions during this Saturday triplet.
CFSBK is offering an ongoing signup discount for our members who are interested in getting fresh home delivered meals from Territory Foods. We used to offer territory directly from the gym but they pivoted to home delivery during the pandemic. This is a great way to get fresh, healthy and delicious meals dropped on your doorstep 1-2 times per week. Territory meals come in handy when you’re feeling too lazy to cook, when you’re pressed for time, when you want to bring a healthy meal to work and as an alternative to ordering something on seamless that costs way too much and is probably unhealthy. You can customize your meals based on your nutrition style and goals and all meals list their full macros on them. Check out all the details below!
Click this link to get $50 off your first two orders! (up to $25 on each)