Workout of the Day
A: Shoulder Press
Heavy 5
B: Back Squat
L2: 75%x 2 reps x 6 sets
L1: 3×8 Across
C: Power Clean
Heavy 3
Feel free to superset any of these with some DB Bent Over Rows.
Choose one lift that best rounds out your training week thus far. Tomorrow we have Front Squats, box jumps and rowing.
10:00 EMOM x 8-12 Push-Ups
Rest 2:00
Run 1 Mile
For the EMOM choose a target total number from 80-120 push-ups and try to get there hitting consistent or gradually descending reps through the EMOM. Below is an example of descending reps for a 100 rep workout. Elevate or use bands around your hip to modify your push-ups so that you could do at least 8 reps every round for all 10 minutes. Scale up by wearing a weight vest and/or create a deficit by elevating your hands on bumper plates.
1. 12
2. 12
3. 12
4. 10
5. 10
6. 10
7. 10
8. 8
9. 8
10. 8
= 100 Push-Ups
For day’s mile run, if you’re someone who does not enjoy or even dreads running, focus on your internal dialogue. Stay positive, acknowledge your progress and remember you’re a badass for doing hard things you don’t love.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/9)
Nora working her Overhead Squats last Sunday!
Banded Push-Ups
Banded push-ups are a great variation for someone who may have some strict push-ups or be pretty close. This allows you to train on the ground but provides increasing support as you descent into the harder portion of the exercise.