Workout of the Day
12:00 for Quality:
:10-:30 Chin-Up Lock Off + :30 Hang
5-8e Pistols or Box Pistols
10-15e 1/2 kneeling Palloff Presses
✵Even if you’re a single leg ninja. Perform at least the first round of the pistols using a box.
Back Squat
✵Work up to a heavy but submax double. Leave 2-3 reps in reserve and focus on keeping consistent technique under heavier loads.
✵Perform an empty barbell set, then 3 progressive warm-up sets of 3 followed by 3 progressive work sets (2-2-2). Use as much rest time as you have available in the segment.
AMRAP 6:00
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16… Reps
DB Front Squats
Kipping Pull-Ups
✵DB: 50/35/20
✵KPU Options:
(+) CTB or 1-2-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
2-4-6.. KPU
1-2-3.. KPU, strict or banded
2-4-6 Jumping Pull-Up
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
Kate W enjoying her handstand time a little too much
Dumbell Front Squats
Today’s short metcon has Dumbbell Front Squats. Especially because of the short duration of this workout, make sure to have a consistent and mature front rack position on the DBs. The CrossFit HQ video below and the rack detailed in the MisFit video below demonstrate the ideal position.