Workout of the Day
Every :30 for 30 sets
1 Cluster or Squat Clean
If you came yesterday and your shoulders are smoked from the HSPUs, perform these as squat cleans instead.
Ideally the cluster weight is the SAME for all 30 reps. Only adjust if you realize you over or undershot the weight.
A1: Bent Over DB Row
A2: Lateral Raises
The first set should feel pretty easy, second should be 2-3 reps shy of failure and the final sets to failure.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Steph working seated lateral raises. This exercise is more about creating muscular tension and fatigue rather than how much weight you use. Low weights, (5-15lbs) can be extremely effective as long as you use a controlled tempo, proper technique and hit the AMRAP set such that your shoulders feel like they’re on fire.
Barrett Koon’s 240lb Cluster
This year’s CrossFit Open included a 1RM Thruster for 23.2B’s test. Most people performed these as a “Cluster” which is a Squat Clean right into a Thruster. Check out the woman who took the top leaderboard spot for this test with a 240lb Cluster. Amazing! (Video will start right before her 240 attempt)