Workout of the Day
Pause Bench Press
Heavy Single
In no more than 8 total sets work up to a heavy single with a 2 second pause at the chest. Leave 0-2 reps in reserve on your top set depending on how you feel.
8:00 AMRAP
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8… Reps of:
Hand Release Push-Ups
Goblet Squat -OR- Kettlebell Swing
If you came Tuesday, but not Wednesday perform the goblet squats.
If you came Wednesday, but not Tuesday perform the kettlebell swings.
If you came both or neither day, taster’s choice.
Use a KB that allows you to keep moving at a steady pace.
Focus on the Quality of your push-ups more than how quickly you can do them.
Static Single Arm KB Farmer’s Hold
:30e x3
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
D&D is the place to be for new parents. We’re so happy to see how popular this class has gotten recently and love providing new parents an hour to focus on THEMSELVES while their little one is just feet away. Here are Monday’s parents doing an air bike, air squat, push press and burpee interval workout.
Hand Release Push-Ups
Today’s workout has hand release push-ups for people performing them from the floor. These ensure proper depth at the bottom of each rep however should not be an excuse to lose body tension during the hand release segment. When you lift your arms, make sure to keep the balls of your feet in contact with the floor, keep your knees extended and maintain trunk tension so you press up as one unit. The video below has some good demonstration and tips on this style of push-up. The demo starts around 1:20