Workout of the Day
SKILL: Rowing Technique
EMOM 20:00
A: 12/9 Cal Bike
B: :40 Bear Crawl
C: 15/12 Calorie Row
D: :40 Carry of choice
Carry options
1. Farmer’s Carry
2. Double Front Rack Carry
3. Single Arm Overhead Carry
4. Mixed Grip Carry
Work at a steady but challenging pace for 20 minutes.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/9)
Next Programming Cycle Details
For this post-CrossFit Open 8 week cycle we’re going to have three biases built into our weekly schedule. You can read about them all below but outside of that expect your regular CrossFit programming with well balanced and varied workouts built around the biases.
Gymnastics Strength and Skill
On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays we’ll start class with a three part gymnastics warm-up segment that consist of one upper body, one midline and one lower body exercise. The upper body portion will alternate between a pull-up or handstand focus. See example:
Week 1
Monday: Pull-Up bias GWU
Wednesday: Handstand bias GWU
Friday: Pull-Up bias GWU
Week 2
Monday: Handstand bias GWU
Wednesday:Pull-Up bias GWU
Friday:Handstand bias GWU
The pull-up work will consist of lock offs, negatives, partner assisted reps and other exercises that will help develop the quality and quantity or your pull-ups. The Handstands will focus the first few weeks on handstand holds then transition to more HSPU work later in the cycle. For the lower body exercises you’ll see some knee and hip balance/stability exercises like Patrick step-ups, RNT Lunges and front and back scales. Later in the cycle we’ll include some plyometric options as well. The midline will consist of hollow holds, tuck-ups, log rolls, and plank variations.
Bench Press
On Mondays and Thursdays we’re going to be programming Bench Press and Pause Bench Press with alternating volume/intensity each week. Below is the progression we’ll be following.
Monday: Bench Press
Wk1: Heavy 10-12
Wk2: Heavy 8-10
Wk3: Heavy 5-7
Wk4: Heavy 1-3
Wk5: Heavy 10-12
Wk6: Heavy 8-10
Wk7: Heavy 5-7
Wk8: Heavy 1-3
Thursday: Pause Bench Press
Wk1: Heavy 1-3
Wk2:Heavy 5-7
Wk3: Heavy 8-10
Wk4: Heavy 10-12
Wk5: Heavy 1-3
Wk6: Heavy 5-7
Wk7: Heavy 8-10
Wk8: Heavy 10-12
Aerobic Work
On Sunday’s we’ll have a bias towards longer aerobic work on the bike, rower and/or weather permitting running. These will often be coupled with another portion that will include assistance work, carries, holds etc. Lets build those lungs!
Can you break out what strength components besides bench you will be doing on the other days? Trying to figure out rest days without missing things like Squatting. Thanks in advance.
The rest of the days won’t have dedicated lifts you’ll see consistently week to week. There will be plenty of squatting!!