Workout of the Day
If you’re doing the 23.3 tomorrow back off weight on the strength. For the Metcon perform consider 8 box jumps instead of 4 burpees to save your shoulders.
A1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
3 x 5-8 ea
Can be progressive, aim to go heavier or complete more repetitions than last week on at least 2 of your sets.
A2) Pendlay Row
3 x 8
Heavier than last week! Don’t forget about the 2.5# and fractional plates.
4 Strict Burpees
22/16 Cal Row
4 Strict Knees to Elbows
22 Air Squats
Partners will take turns completing each movement, “you go, I go” style. For example in a female/male pair: Partner A does 4 strict burpees, then Partner B does 4 strict burpees. Partner A rows 16 calories, Partner B rows 22 calories. Etc.
On the Knees to Elbows, the athletes heels may not cross behind the plane of the pull-up bar at the bottom of the rep. Control the descent. Arms stay straight throughout and goal is knees to the elbow joints (not triceps).
Strict Burpees –> Push up from Knees
Row –> if pushing over 1:15, scale a few calories back
Strict KTE –> Strict Knee to Chest
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/9)
Aaron drew this beautiful picture of the coaching staff for this week’s Arts & Crafts Theme Week!! Draw something at the front desk this week!
23.3 Initial Thoughts
For the vast majority of us this is gonna be a quick one which is nice because we can take our time really warming up the snatches and practicing the wall walks. If you think/know you won’t complete the first portion think of it as a race to see have many reps you can squeeze out in the time frame. Here are some additional thoughts:
Wall Walks
Here you just need to move efficiently, breath intentionally and try to not.stop.moving.
Double Unders
If these are a breeze for you go for the biggest sets you can, unbroken ideally. If you and double unders have a complicated relationship remember to keep your composure but fight for reps. When in doubt… spin the rope faster! You can do this!! Align your Double Under Chakras and get after it.
The Snatches
If weight 1 seems light to you, plan for touch and go reps that keep your form clean. If you’re doing three sets, perform 6-5-4 reps, for two sets perform 8-7 or 10-5. Have a gameplan but go on feel too, if the bar feels light strike while the iron is hot. If weight one is going to be a fight, or more than you can cycle just hit steady singles and be Extra diligent about your set up for every rep. As you fatigue, make sure you’re not just pulling the bar harder off the floor but just as importantly pulling yourself UNDER the bar into the receiving position. This is easier than pulling the bar higher!!
If you’re getting past the first segment its because you’re really fit and can throw around 95/135 pretty comfortably.
Strict HSPUs
If you make it here congratulations, we’re so glad to have you. Strict HSPU capacity is highly variable and at that point you’ll know what your capable based on how you’re feeling. Don’t crash down onto your head,
If you’re scaling its likely because of the double unders or the snatch weights (or both!). In either case I think you have a better chance of getting into the 2nd phase than most people so this is going to be a fun workout to hammer through. Make sure you’re familiar with the specific standards for every movement like the hand release push-ups and modified wall walks.
Anybody looking to do 23.3 on Monday evening and looking for a judge / judging? I’m planning on doing the workout Monday evening and am flexible. Thanks