Workout of the Day
Weighted Chin-Up
Find a 1 Rep Max!
If you don’t have bodyweight chin-ups yet, and are relatively close to getting one, partner up with someone in class and do 5 sets of 2-3 partner-assisted reps, resting at least 1 min between sets.
If you are in the process of building your chin-up foundation, then do 5 sets of 3-5 difficult band or foot assisted reps.
Every 3 Min x 4 Rounds:
10 Horizontal Ring Rows
10 Alternating DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges @ 50/35/20# each hand
Max Reps Double Unders until 1:30 mark of each round
You will have 1:30 to work, 1:30 to rest.
If you cannot do 10 horizontal ring rows in 1-2 sets when fresh, then adjust the angle of your body / foot placement to something challenging but manageable for 1-2 sets. Keep your feet in the same place each round.
Today is a great day to practice double unders if you don’t have them, yet!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/9)
Nic is new to CFSBK and has shown up to throw down every Friday Night Fever! Make sure to welcome him to the community!
The final Theme Week and Extracurricular Activities for the 2023 Open!
Looking to buy, sell or rent a property? Reach out to Lauren!