Workout of the Day
A1) Split Stance RDL
3-4 sets x 6-8 ea side @ 30×1
A2) L-Sit Holds
3-4 sets x 30 sec
We last did split stance RDL’s on 2/6/23 if you want to trackback!
Accumulate time on L-sit as needed. Modify to single leg, tuck hold, or matador variation.
AMRAP 12:00
80 KB swings (partner holds forearm plank)
80/64 Calorie Row (partner holds a dual DB or KB overhead hold)
80 Sit Ups (partner holds an arch hold)
Reps may only be accumulated while the second partner is in their isometric hold.
Rep counts are total for the partnership; aim to divide the work evenly.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/9)
JR Joey and Dan vs 23.2
Photography by Dave Hashim