Workout of the Day
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch x 6-8 sets
Complete 1 set of the complex about every 1:30-2:00, focusing on power, speed, coordination, and accuracy.
EMOM 12:00
A. 8 Strict Handstand Push Ups
B. 15 sec Bike Sprint for Max Watts
C. Rest
The bike sprint here should be an all out effort each time. Make it hurt! Look at the Watts reading on your monitor and try to hit the biggest peak number you can during those 15 sec.
HSPU Scaling:
A. 4-6 strict, full ROM
B. 4-8 strict or kipping to 1 Abmat
C. 8 box piked, full ROM ot 1 Abmat
D. 12 DB Presses
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/9)
Cathy and Olena have been decided as the co-winners of last week’s Extracurricular Open Challenge!! We had lots of great outfits but it was hard to top the coordination and team spirit with these two!
Don’t forget to submit your 23.2 scores by Monday at 8pm!
Week 2 Honorable Mentions
Here were some of the other folks who went above and beyond with their week two rainbow themed get up. Thanks again to everyone on this list and not pictured who helped make 23.2 a colorful mess!