Workout of the Day
AMRAP 8:00
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
20 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35#)
REST 4:00
AMRAP 8:00
4 Wall Walks
12/8 Cal Bike
If you’re doing the Open, focus less on intensity and more on movement efficiency. Its likely that some of these movements will come up so take it easy and use today’s workout more as “practice” than hard training.
Scale the height of the BBJO as needed. Your body must be facing the box at the bottom of the burpee. You make step out and step in on the burpee, and both feet must make contact with the top of the box before getting to the other side.
3-4 Sets:
8-12 DB Floor Press
24 Alternating Russian Twists
Keep hands interlaced and aim to touch your elbow to the floor on each rep. 20 total, 10 each side.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/9)
Upgrading our light game for 23.2 and Friday Night Fever
23.1 World Record | Roman Khrennikov
Over 300,000 people registered for the Open this year and most of them took a crack at 23.1 Below is the video for Roman Khrennikov who had the highest score for the Rx Men’s division. He performed 1 Round + 60 Calories & 36 Toes to bars.
The top score in the women’s division was by 19 year old Emma Cary who performed 278 reps which is 18 Toes to bar in the 2nd round. A video hasn’t been released yet but we can’t wait to see it!