Workout of the Day
SKILL: Handstand Push Up
Every 3 min x 6 rounds
12 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
6 Burpees
then, max calorie bike in remaining time to 1:30 mark of each round
-Complete HSPU + push ups, then get to the bike and accumulate calories until the 1:30 mark on the clock. Rest 1:30 and start again at the 3:00 mark.
-Scale the volume of work as needed so that you have at LEAST 30 sec to work on the bike in each round. Aim for consistent tough efforts across and go for broke in your final round.
HSPU scaling:
a. kipping, full ROM x 6-9 reps
b. strict, full ROM x 6-12 reps
d. kipping, partial ROM x 6-12 reps, 1 abmat
c. strict, box pike HSPU x 6-9 reps, up to 1 abmat
d. heavy DB push press x 12 reps (done in 1-2 sets)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/9)
Shot from the office during the short film presentation at the Art Show last weekend
Box Piked Strict HSPU
This is a great example of what a box piked HSPU to 1 abmat should look like. A good way to warm-up for this is going from 3-2-1-0 abmats and building your range of motion.