Workout of the Day
A) Pause Clean Deadlift + Below the Knee Hang Clean
2 x (1+2) – light
3 x (1+1) – medium
3 x (1+1) – medium to heavy
-Pause for 1 full second with the plates 1″ off the floor before continuing to stand.
-Hang = just below kneecaps
-Rest as needed between these 7 sets as you work up in weight.
B) Paused Front Squat + Front Squat
3 x (1+5)
-Pause for 1 full second at the bottom of your full depth front squat, and do not bounce out of the hole. From that paused position, drive straight up.
-This is 3 sets of 6 reps, where you will pause only for the first rep of each set and then continue without the pause for 5 more.
-Add a bit of weight to what you did last week.
5 Strict CTB chin ups
20 Walking Lunges
If you did Saturday’s workout and are still feeling beat up, consider doing ring rows instead of chin ups today.
Chin Up Scaling:
A. 2-4 reps per round
B. 5 strict CTB banded or foot assisted chin ups
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/9)
Welcome to recent Foundations grads Jax, Ariel and Zach!!!