Workout of the Day
A1) Barbell RDL: 4 x 6-8
Aim to go a touch heavier than you did for last week’s 3×8.
A2) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 9-12
If last week you were hitting sets of 15 reps, go heavier on all three sets today.
If last week you got stopped at 12 reps, you might do your first set at that same weight and then add load for the second and third sets.
Use a tempo @ 20X1 on both lifts, essentially “slower down, faster up.”
Rest as needed between movements, about 60-90 sec.
8 Knees to Elbows
16 Kettlebell Swings
32 Double Unders
Partners will alternate full rounds. Scale as needed so each individual round time hovers around 1 min of work.
The tendency is for athletes to bend their elbows in order to get knees to touch. Fight to keep your elbows straight throughout the movement and work on the tightness of your kip (hollow/arch positions) and the push down from your lats.
K2E Scaling:
A. 4-6 kipping KTE
B. 4 Strict KTE (half volume)
C. 8 Kipping Knee Raise (focus on pushing your body BACK behind the bar as far as possible today, rather than hanging straight down)
DU Scaling:
A. 16 DU (half volume; option to count “attempts” as well as “makes”)
B. 32-64 Alternate Foot Steps OR Single Unders
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/9)
Steph A in training for WZA.