Workout of the Day
E2MOM x10 sets
1 Clean
Every 2 minutes perform one power or squat clean working up towards a heavy single for the day. With 10 sets, you won’t need to start too heavy, so try to build up gradually. If possible try to add a small weight jump every round. If form or confidence becomes the limiting factor, reduce or maintain load depending on where you’re at.
AMRAP 10:00
20 Hang Power Cleans
23 Burpees
With one partner working at a time work through the 2023 AMRAP. For example: Partner A completes 10 HPC, Partner B completes 10 HPC, then partner A completes 12 Burpees then partner B completes 11 Burpees. Divide the work as desired. The hang power clean should be somewhere around 50-60% of your heavy single today.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/9)
Throwing 2022 into the rear view mirror.
First cycle of 2023 Details!
This cycle will be 9 weeks, taking us through the 2023 CrossFit Open! (If you haven’t already signed up, do it!) And programmed by coach Whitney Hubbard. On trend with the last cycle, we’ll see three dedicated lifting days with similar movement archetypes for. The other four days will have more variance, while still balancing out movement patterns, loading, volume, and duration across the weeks of training.
We will see a few past Open Workouts or variations thereof to gear us up for what’s to come. Here’s what’s on the dedicated lifting days:
Tuesday: Squat Clean Variations, Front Squat
Thursday: Hip Hinge and Pressing Variations (superset)
Friday: Single Leg and Horizontal Pulling Variations (superset)
The program is structured in three week waves, where you’ll focus on a particular variation of the patterns listed above and follow the reps/sets/loading/tempo scheme in order to achieve progressive overload on your lifts!
Pause Front Squat + Front Squat
Week 1: 3 x (3+3)
Week 2: 3 x (2+4)
Week 3: 3 x (1+5)
*Here, the number of reps each week will be the same (3×6), but we will decrease the paused reps each week. Goal is to increase weight each week.
Front Squat
Weeks 4-6: 3×5
*No pauses. Continue to increase load each week
Week 1: Barbell RDL 3×8, Incline DB Bench Press 3×12-15
Week 2: Barbell RDL 4×6-8, Incline DB Bench 3×9-12
Week 3: Barbell RDL 4×6-8, Incline DB Bench 3×6-10
*Both lifts will use a tempo @ 20×1, essentially “slower down, faster up.” Goal is to increase weight on both lifts across the three weeks.
Week 4: Sumo Deadlift 10-8-6-10, SA Tall Kneeling DB Press 3×12-15ea
Week 5: Sumo Deadlift 8-6-4-8, SA Tall Kneeling DB Press 3×9-12ea
Week 6: Sumo Deadlift 6-4-2-6, SA Tall Kneeling DB Press 3×6-10ea
*Goal is to increase weight on both lifts across the three weeks. For the deadlift we will use wave loading. Increase load for each work set as the reps decrease. The final set is intended to be the same or heavier than the first.
Here is an example:
Week 7: Deadlift 10-8-6-10, DB Z Press 3×12-15
Week 8: Deadlift 8-6-4-8, DB Z Press 3×9-12
Week 9: Deadlift 6-4-2-6, DB Z Press 3×6-10
*Goal is to increase weight on both lifts across the three weeks. Again, we’ll use wave loading, this time for the conventional deadlift.
Week 1: Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x6ea, Single Arm DB Bent Over Row 3×12-15ea
Week 2: Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x8ea, SA DB Bent Over Row 3×9-12ea
Week 3: Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x10ea, SA DB Bent Over Row 3×6-10ea
*For these 3 weeks, the goal is to keep the same load or increase slightly on the lunge as you add reps, and to increase weight on the row each week as the reps decrease.
Week 4: Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x6ea, Dual DB Prone Row 3×12-15
Week 5: Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x8ea, Dual DB Prone Row 3×9-12
Week 6: Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x10ea, Dual DB Prone Row 3×6-10
*In week 4, reset to a heavier load than what you were using in weeks 1-3 for the lunge. For these 3 weeks, the goal is to keep the same load or increase slightly on the lunge as you add reps, and to increase weight on the row each week as the reps decrease.
Week 7: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3×5-8ea, Pendlay Row 10-10-10
Week 8: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3×5-8ea, Pendlay Row 3×8
Week 9: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3×5-8ea, Pendlay Row 3×8
As always, it will be necessary to keep a good training log so you can get the intended stimulus of your workouts. Put a notebook in your gym bag or use Beyond the Whiteboard, which pre-loads all the CFSBK workouts for you, for FREE!
Great photo! Who is it and who took it?