Workout of the Day
Bench Press
3 sets x 5 Reps Across
Perform 3 sets of 5 reps using last weeks heaviest weight. These should not be performed with a pause at the chest, instead take advantage of the stretch reflex at the bottom of each rep.
If you were not here last week, work up to a top set of 5 WITH a pause at the bottom of each rep.
EMOM 16:00
A. :45 Bike
B. Floater Movement
C. :45 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
D. :45 Plank
Floater Options
1. 16 Alternating Renegade Rows
2. 16 DB Strict Press
3. :45 Seated Knee Tucks
Work through 4 challenging rounds of this EMOM. For the Floater, choose a movement that compliments what you’ve done this week. Tomorrow we have Thrusters and Burpee Box Jumps. Yes we know if you choose the knee tucks you’ll have two midline movements today… suck it up, buttercup!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/9)
Some of these lost & found items are pretty, pretttty good. Maybe you should see if any of your stuff is there? For the complete tour de force of Aarons L&F photoshop, see the album on flickr here.
Today is the last day to ensure you get your grubby little mitts on one of these hot new TYR drops we have. <3
CFSBK Tokebi Tee: Preorder here!
CFSBK Olive Hoodie: Preorder here!