Workout of the Day
20 Rounds for time of:
3 Squat Cleans
6 Kipping Pull-Ups
36 Double Unders
Alternate complete rounds with your partner until each person has completed 10 rounds. This works out to 30 Squat Cleans, 60 Kipping Pull-ups and 360 Double Unders per person.
Squat Cleans: Should be performed as three quick singles +/135/115/95/65.. If you’re coming on Wednesday you might consider performing these as power cleans.
Kipping Pull-Ups: Choose a version that will allow you to perform them unbroken the whole workout or in max two quick sets. +CTB/6KPU/3-4KPU/6 Banded or Ring Rows
Doubles: Should take you around :30 or so per round to complete. 36/27/18/9 Doubles or 45 Single Unders
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/9)
You know what would pair perfectly with these shoes…
Preorder on this ends Friday!
We’ve got some new merch dropping soon and are taking preorders now through December 2nd. These are high quality apparel items being printed by our partners at TYR. We will not be stocking these items after the pre-order so jump on them if you want the goods!
CFSBK Tokebi Tee: Preorder here!