Workout of the Day
EMOM 12:00
A: 10-15 Calorie Row
B: 5 Single Arm DB Push Press + 50′ OH carry, switch
EMOM 12:00
A: 10-13 Calorie Air Bike
B: 75m Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, each
EMOM 12:00
A: 16 WTD Walking Lunges
B: :30 L-Sit/Tuck Hold
Today’s three EMOMs should be taken at a sustainable aerobic pace. That doesnt mean easy, but you should be able to stay consistent across each workout.
The Row and Bike segments should be performed in 40 seconds or less.
The carries should be heavy
The L-Sit/Tuck can be broken up into multiple mini sets within the minute.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/9)
Welcome new Foundations grads Thom, Grace and Paul!
NYC Marathon Today
The marathon is today and as always it runs right down 4th avenue on the corner of Degraw street. After you figure out a strategy to get to the gym, make sure to hang out and cheer on the runners before or after class.
Our own Todd P will be running it tomorrow, you can track him via bib # 23811. Crush it Todd!!!!
The NYC Marathon is this Sunday. Here’s everything New Yorkers need to know. Gothamist
Hey y’all! I’ll also be running, 14279! Maybe I’ll see some of you out there!