Workout of the Day
A1: Double KB Pause Squat
6-9 Reps
A2: Strict Toes to Bars or Knees to Elbows
6-9 Reps
Perform 3-4 progressive sets on this couplet.
AMRAP 12:00
6 Kipping Pull-Ups
9 Kettlebell Swings
12 Tuck-Ups
Move at a deliberate pace through this workout. Use a heavy Kettlebell that will slow you down a bit. Scale up to 1-3 bar muscle-ups if able.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/6)
Welcome new Foundations grads, Shehza, Jules and Farah.
Note on the next Programming Cycle
We’re going to delay the start of the new cycle instead of starting out with a bastardized week 1 to accommodate the FGB. The next cycle will then begin on Monday the 31st. This week’s programming will be similar to the current cycle with a bias towards some FGB prep and mini deload before Saturday.