Workout of the Day
Pause Back Squat
Work up to a submax heavy triple on the back squat. Pause in the hole for a 2 count and prioritize position and tension over how much weight is on the bar.
4 Progressive sets of:
1:00e SA Farmer’s Carry
Floater Movement
Floater options:
A: 16 total Weighted Step-Ups
B: 12-16 DB Bench Press
C: 4-8 Chin-Ups
Alternate between the farmer’s carry and one of the floater movements you choose. Tomorrow we have chin-ups and push-ups programmed.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/6)
Diapers & Dumbbells is growing! This is our first 6 person class since we’ve relaunched!
It’s real bummer that things are not consistently on the same day with this programming cycle. I never missed a squat day for almost 2 years and now it just shows up on a random Thursday and posted night before.
Disagree. For those of us who determine which days we come to the gym based on other life events, it’s nice to know I will NOT miss all the squat days this cycle just because I’m consistent about Tuesdays and Fridays being my rest days.
(I am sad that I’m missing THIS squat day! Back tomorrow!)
So a random unknown and you might get it vs knowing when it’s programmed? At least knowing when it is you are more likely to experience it. Knowing further out than a few hours before midnight makes it even harder.
Hey Keith, the workout always shows up the night before and while this 6 week cycle does not have dedicated lifting days, I’m confident you’ll stay well rounded and strong regardless. Also, if you really want to back squat, we have open gym access 6am-830pm and all weekend.