Workout of the Day
5 Intervals, each for rounds of:
AMRAP 3:00
3 Bar Muscle-Ups or Kipping Pull-Ups
5 DB Deadlifts
7 Box Jump Overs
3:00 Bike @ recovery pace
Today’s workout is a 30 minute interval alternating between a higher intensity effort on the triplet followed by a low intensity interval on the bike.
The BMU/Pull-up portion should be something that you could walk over to the bar, bang out the reps unbroken or as a couple quick singles and then move on. 3:00 isn’t long enough to do a version that will force you to stare at the bar.
BMU: 3 BMU / 1 BMU / 3 CTB or kipping / 3 banded, strict or self assisted
DB DL: 50s/35s/20s Only go as low as you can maintain a neutral back with.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/6)
Recently a group of 6 New York Army National Guard Officer Candidates came to CFSBK in order to learn rope climbing technique. The group is getting ready for an upcoming trip to Candidate School at Fort Benning, GA where one of the tests they’ll go through will include rope climbs. It’s not easy to find facilities in NYC that have ropes and high enough ceilings to practice on. CFSBK is happy to donate our space for these National Guard candidates!