Workout of the Day
Clean and Push Jerk
Work up to a heavy triple on the clean and jerk. The cleans can be power or squat. Keep to a push jerk or push press today. These are not touch and go reps today, reset at the bottom of each rep.
A1: Seated DB Press
A2: RFE Split Squat
Work up through three progressively challenging sets of each exercise. For the AMRAPs, terminate your set with 0-1 reps in reserve or if your technique begins break down.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/6)
Fight Gone Bad 2022
Save the date and sign up! This year’s Fight Gone Bad event is scheduled for Saturday 10/29 and you have until 10/2 to sign up! To register, just go to 10/29 on your Zen Planner membership app and register for FGB. We’ll follow up with teams and more information afterwards. You can also click here!
What is FGB?
Fight Gone Bad is our annual community fundraising event where we put teams of 5 CFSBKers together to perform the “Fight Gone Bad” workout. Each year we raise funds for a great cause leading up to the event. Teams come up with a name and perform the workout together (in costume!) on the 29th. It’s a blast!
This Year’s Benefactor: BCHS
This year’s benefactor will be Brooklyn Community Housing & Services. BCHS is committed to ending homelessness in Brooklyn. They provide housing and services for more than 1,000 formerly homeless and at-risk children, women and men each year. They help them learn how to live productively and independently, with dignity, and with hope. Below is a great video showing the impact on 3 people who used their services and housing to get back on their feet.
Longtime CFSBKer Richard Greenspan is a board member of BCHS and we’re excited to collaborate on this year’s benefactor with him.
I am absolutely delighted that BCHS has been chosen for FGB-22! I’ve been composing an email to CFSBK to support selecting them as the recipient, there are bullet points!, and am pleased I don’t need to actually send it. But know that it’s really amazing and might contain photos of kittens. Anyway, congratulations Richard and BCHS – and thank you David/CFSBK! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ